4th and Weekend Recap!

9 Jul

What a busy weekend! I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th, I had a blast and can’t wait to tell you all about it!

I started the 4th off with a “red, white and blue-ish” smoothie,  it was delicious.  I used a mini-blender and made the white layer first, red layer second and blue layer last. That way, I only needed to rinse out the blender instead of carefully cleaning it each time. I made a white layer with homemade cashew milk, canned lite coconut milk and a little ice. I then blended some frozen raspberries and cashew milk for the red layer. Finally, I mixed up some frozen blueberries, cashew milk and spinach for the blue layer. It was a great refreshing way to start up the day!


I headed out to a special July 4th Crossfit class with a Paleo Potluck after.  I made a delicious watermelon cucumber salad from PaleOMG-and it was a big hit. I used balsamic vinegar instead of red wine vinegar, and it still tasted great.

After an intense workout, I chowed down and headed home.  Lucky for me, my husband J’s friend has an apartment directly across from the fireworks barge in Cambridge. We headed there to watch the fireworks over the Charles, they were incredible! Did anyone catch the red lanterns? Such a cool addition this year!


On Friday, we were off to Maine for a wedding.  We stopped at Red Hook Brewery on the way up with some friends-it was fun! We checked into the hotel and headed to the wedding. It was a blast, the bride looked beautiful, the food was great and there was plenty of dancing!


On Saturday, I woke up and got in a quick run.  I used the hotel gym to do some body weight work.  I was hoping the gym would have some free weights, but it did not so I used what I could!


On the way home on Saturday, we stopped in Newburyport for some beach and eats with friends. It was so hot that jumping in the water didn’t seem so bad!

What’s on deck this week?

Now, I am trying to get back into a normal work/workout schedule. J and I have a 5K on Thursday, so that will be a nice automatic speed workout.  He and I will be doing 3 X 1 mile repeats on the track today. We have a race at the end of the month that he is hoping to run quickly, so I am helping to pace him in a workout today. Blog-wise this week you can look forward to…

-The 3rd part of the “Exercising on the Cheap” series

-Race Recap from Thursday’s 5K

-Make it Fast Friday and What’s New Weekends will return

Did you have a nice 4th? How do you exercise when you are on vacation? What do you want to see on this blog this week?

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